Paleoecology and Paleoceanography : A Part from the Book Chapter : Foraminifera Proxy of Short Core Samples: A Retrospective Study of Ecological Development of Surabaya and Bali Semi-enclosed Bay, Indonesia

The concept of using organisms such as foraminifera that are widely used as a geologically, chemically and biologically proxies on specific environments was very interesting in the paleoecology and paleoceanography reconstruction. Recent benthic foraminifera has been used to provide environmental interpretations to quantify certain selected parameters, especially dissolved oxygen and the flux of organic carbon. Among others, benthic foraminifera of Ammonia and Elphidium species that was adapted to the coastal waters, were widely used on various ecological proxies, although the several species of Ammonia was more tolerant to prolonged oxygen depletion than Elphidium.

Author(s) Details:

R. Rositasari
Research Center for Oceanography-National Research and Innovation Agency Jl, Pasir Putih I, Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara, 1440, Indonesia.

Also See : The Red Sea: Characteristics and Climate : A Part from the Book Chapter : Seasonal Variability of Mixed Layer Depth in the Red Sea

Recent global research developments in Environmental development of the bay

1. Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport of Benoa Bay: Semi-Enclosed Bay in Bali:


  1. Dharma, I. G. B. S., & Candrayana, W. (2017). Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport of Benoa Bay, Semi-Enclosed Bay in Bali, Indonesia. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 862, 3-8.

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