Major part of the watershed : A Part from the Book Chapter : Delineation of Fractured Aquifer Using Numerical Analysis (Factor) of Resistivity Data in a Granite Terrain

The geology of the study area under discussion mainly comprises of pink orthoclase feldspathic granite with different degree of weathering resulting in vertical and oblique joints and fractures. The soil thickness varies from 20 cm in the elevated part to a maximum of 4 m in valleys and plains. The soil is mostly loamy, sandy loam and loamy sandy and is classified as red soils. The thickness of weathered granite residuum varies widely and ranges between 8 and 20 m. Shallow, horizontal to inclined fractured and fissured granites occurred beneath the weathered zones extending upto 30–75 m below ground level. Major part of the watershed (central area) is undulating plain country with isolated residual hills, while the western side is occupied by north–south trending hill ranges. The topographic elevation varies from 730 m above mean sea level (AMSL) to 312 m AMSL, and the slope of the watershed is towards ESE. The entire watershed area can be classified into four important geomorphic units, namely denudation hills, dissected pediment, valley fills and pediplain. The prime source of groundwater in the watershed area occurs under both phreatic and semi-confined conditions in the weathered and fractured granites.

Author(s) Details:

Rolland Andrade
Central Water & Power Research Station, Pune-24, India.

Also See : The morphostratigraphic study: A Part from the Book Chapter : Retreat of the Shoreline in the Gulf of Castellammare di Stabia (Gulf of Napoli, Southern Italy)

Recent global research developments in Groundwater Dynamics in Granite Terrain: A Hydrogeological Study

 “Delineation of Fractured Aquifer Using Numerical Analysis (Factor) of Resistivity Data in a Granite Terrain”  [1].

  1. Objective: The study aimed to map fractured aquifers using numerical analysis of conventional vertical electrical sounding (VES) data.
  2. Methodology: The basic resistivity data from granite terrain was subjected to a semiquantitative approach called factor analysis. This approach helps eliminate the suppression effect from overburden and refine the depth to aquifers.
  3. Challenges: In hard rock terrains (such as granites), interpreting the actual depth to the aquifer zone using conventional resistivity curve matching techniques can be difficult.
  4. Significance: The numerical approach, combined with resistivity imaging or other techniques, proves to be an effective tool for groundwater exploration in such terrains.


  1. Andrade, R. (2014). Delineation of fractured aquifer using numerical analysis (factor) of resistivity data in a granite terrain. International Journal of Geophysics, 2014.
  2. Delineation of Fractured Aquifer Using Numerical Analysis (Factor) of Resistivity Data in a Granite Terrain.

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