The rhizome of turmeric is highly aromatic and antiseptic : A Part from The Book Chapter : The Molecular Mechanism Tetrahydrocurcumin as an Antihyperlipidemic Agent

The turmeric (Curcuma longa) plant, a perennial herb belonging to the ginger family, is cultivated extensively in south and southeast tropical Asia. The rhizome of this plant is also referred to as the “root” and is the most useful part of the plant for culinary and medicinal purposes.

The rhizome of turmeric is highly aromatic and antiseptic. The medicinal properties of turmeric have been expounded in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) texts. Turmeric is traditionally known as a stomachic, blood purifier and is useful for the common cold, leprosy, intermittent fevers, afflictions of the liver, indolent ulcer, pyogenic (forming pus) afflictions, wound-healing and inflammation. In recent years, the medicinal properties of turmeric have increasingly been recognized. It is being researched systematically even in the Western world. The most active component of turmeric is curcumin, which makes up 2 to 5% of the spice.

Author(s) Details:

P. Murugan,
Bharathidhasan University, Tiruchirapalli – 620 024, India.

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