The Business Environment : A Part from The Book Chapter : Organizational Resilience, Innovation and Firm Performance in Hospitality Industry in Ghana: Moderating Roles of Social Ties

Organizational resilience refers to the ability of an organization to withstand and adapt to changes, crises, and disruptions in the business environment. In recent years, there has been increasing attention to the role of organizational resilience in promoting innovation and improving firm performance. Organizational resilience has been found to have a positive impact on innovation in multiple studies. In their study of Australian firms, McGrath and MacMillan found that organizations with higher levels of resilience were more likely to engage in innovative activities, such as product development and R & D.

Author(s) Details:

Lydia Asare-Kyire,
Department of Entrepreneurship and Finance, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana.

Owusu Ackah,
Jayee University College, Ghana.

Charles Akomea Bonsu,
Department of Entrepreneurship and Finance, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana.

William Ansah Appienti,
Department of Entrepreneurship and Finance, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana.

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