The Goats Consumed All of the Offered Supplements: A Part from The Book Chapter : The Notable of Lablab Seed as a Feed Supplement for Goat Fed Roughages Diet

The goats consumed all of the offered supplements. The intake of roughage during the first week of the trial was similar for all treatments, and with the exception of treatment 4 (12 g Lablab/kg LW) increased during the remainder of the trial. However, with treatment 4 roughage intake tended to remain constant until week 4, and tended to decline in weeks 5 and 6. On average over the 42 days of the trial goats fed the highest level of Lablab (12 g/kg LW) consumed 35% less roughage (p<0.05) than the control goats fed roughage alone, and 24% less roughage than the goats fed the same amount of lupin. Total DM intakes by goats fed 3 or 12 g/kg LW of lablab were similar to the control diet, whereas total intake of goats fed 6 g/kg LW of Lablab or 12 g/kg LW of lupin was greater (p<0.05) than the control.

Author(s) Details:

Department of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.

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