The goats consumed all of the offered supplements. The intake of roughage during the first week of the trial was similar for all treatments, and with the exception of treatment 4 (12 g Lablab/kg LW) increased during the remainder of the trial. However, with treatment 4 roughage intake tended to remain constant until week 4, and tended to decline in weeks 5 and 6. On average over the 42 days of the trial goats fed the highest level of Lablab (12 g/kg LW) consumed 35% less roughage (p<0.05) than the control goats fed roughage alone, and 24% less roughage than the goats fed the same amount of lupin. Total DM intakes by goats fed 3 or 12 g/kg LW of lablab were similar to the control diet, whereas total intake of goats fed 6 g/kg LW of Lablab or 12 g/kg LW of lupin was greater (p<0.05) than the control.
Author(s) Details:
Department of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.