According to Moran; and PPG, there are 13,600 species of ferns globally, and of this, approximately 1200 species with 70 families and 192 genera are seen in India. In the year 1883, Beddome published the most authentic work on Indian pteridophytes known as Beddome’s “Handbook of the ferns of British India, Ceylon, and the Malay Peninsula” and this formed the foundation for pteridophyte taxonomic studies in India.
The current paper presents a review of the studies of pteridophyte diversity undertaken along the Western Ghats of India to date. The most recent review of pteridophyte flora of Western Ghats was done in by Dudani et al., and it gave a comprehensive list of 277 species. This review intends to summarize and unify the existing study results for a detailed analysis of the pteridophyte flora of the six states along the Western Ghats. The conservation status of the pteridophytes is also analyzed so as to provide a clear picture of the extent of damage the pteridophyte population has suffered until now and to emphasize the necessity of developing an immediate action plan to protect the species that are on the verge of extinction.
Author(s) Details:
Athira Krishnan
Department of Botany, Sree Narayana College, Nattika, Thrissur, Kerala-680566, India.
Rekha K.
Department of Botany, Vimala College (Autonomous), Thrissur, Kerala-680009, India.
Recent Global Research Developments in The Most Recent Review of Pteridophyte Flora
Diversity, Ecological, and Traditional Knowledge of Pteridophytes in the Western Himalayas:
- This study focused on gathering ecological and traditional use information on pteridophytes from local inhabitants in the Kashmir valley. They recorded 58 pteridophyte species belonging to 13 families. Notably, the highest number of species (45%) were found growing on the forest floor [1].
Virtual Issue: Ecology and Evolution of Pteridophytes in the Era of Genomics:
- This compilation includes 19 papers published in the Journal of Plant Research covering various aspects of pteridophyte biology, such as breeding systems, species complexes, fossil taxa, gametophyte ecology, systematics, and biodiversity [2].
Distribution of Pteridophytes along the Eastern Ghats of India – A Review:
- This comprehensive review highlights studies on pteridophytes conducted along the east coast of India. It discusses the effects of climatic conditions, rainfall, land use patterns, and environmental factors on pteridophyte distribution and sustainability [3].
Diversity of Pteridophytes in Western Ghats – A Review:
- Although this review dates back to 2019, it provides valuable insights into pteridophyte diversity along the Western Ghats of India. The study by Dudani et al. listed 277 species in the region [4].
Local Knowledge on Wild Edible and Economically Important Pteridophytes in India:
- This report broadly reviews the edible and economic uses of pteridophytes in India. Wild edible plants play a crucial role in providing dietary benefits, including bioactives, minerals, and fibers [5].
- Khoja AA, Haq SM, Majeed M, Hassan M, Waheed M, Yaqoob U, Bussmann RW, Alataway A, Dewidar AZ, Al-Yafrsi M, et al. Diversity, Ecological and Traditional Knowledge of Pteridophytes in the Western Himalayas. Diversity. 2022; 14(8):628.
- Nitta, J.H., Ebihara, A. Virtual issue: Ecology and evolution of pteridophytes in the era of molecular genetics. J Plant Res 132, 719–721 (2019).
- Rao, S. M. G. N. Distribution of Pteridophytes along the Eastern Ghats of India-A Review.
- Krishnan, A., & Rekha, K. (2021). Diversity of pteridophytes in western ghats-a review. Plant Archives (09725210), 21(1).
- Sureshkumar, J., Jenipher, C., Gurav, S.S. et al. Local Knowledge on Wild Edible and Economically Important Pteridophytes of India: A Review. Hum Ecol 51, 937–977 (2023).